Random Wednesday

Today my husband got up at 4:30am and went to the gym. He was actually home around 7 when my alarm went off - rather when my 2yr old rolled over for the 47th time since I brought him to bed with me at 6am, and smacked me in the face thereby waking me up at 6:58...2 minutes before my alarm went off.

5am appointments at the local Y are such a hot commodity that we take turns. Me on Tuesday and he on Wednesday. With his days off in the middle of the week, it works. Which brings me to the next random point -

Shift bid = success. Go shout it on the mountain, for the first time in 3 years, my husband will have Saturday and Sunday off every week! The hours are pretty awesome to - 8:45 to 5:45. So cool as we go in to warmer weather - no more trips to the Y or pushing play in the basement. We will once again be taking turns for the coveted 6am trail run! WOOT!!

I love pajamas. Really, it's like a sickness with me. Did you know that Shopko has THE best clearance prices on PJ's (and other stuff to). I just got a matching set of pants and 3/4 sleeve shirt for $8. Yes, my friends, and their label runs big - so you can size down. Probably the only place in my adult life I have ever bought a size Small in anything.

Speaking of small...I went to the Fancy Skivvy Store in the mall today. Happened to be close by being tortured in a small office with a chair that stands you on your head while they make you bite on cardboard and shove a camera in your face, so...I went to the mall. Got my wedding ring cleaned and checked (will wonders never cease today - I actually had it ON) and then went to have my fears realized with a measuring tape.

Your rear end isn't the only thing that shrinks when you loose a substantial amount of weight.

Moving right along on this train wreck of randomness - let me tell you I will be praying a lot tonight. I just finished up my 2nd cup of Chamomile Tea and that ensures that I will be visiting the little room that all my kids follow me into at least 3 times in the night. I'm terrible about going back to sleep, so I talk to the only person that wants to listen to me at 2am.

Do you ever go to the gym at 5am?

Do you have to bid for your work shift?

What's your favorite item of clothing to purchase?

Do you have a tiny bladder?

Talk to me!! ;o)


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