Common Ground

What could I (a 34yr old woman) possibly have in common with an 18yr old young man? Well other than the same Mom and Dad...not much. My youngest sibling is a great kid, athletic, intelligent and good hearted. Okay - maybe we have more in common than I thought... ;)

Recently he told me he would like to run the Lincoln Marathon with Dave and me in May of next year. I am SO excited to hear that he has an interest in running! With the marathon being 10 months away, I'm very confident that he will be able to train for and run the whole's me that I'm worried about!

I found a 5k in his city on Labor Day weekend and downloaded Hal Higdon's 5k Training Schedule to give to him. He's a football player, so he is good at following a nutrition and training schedule. Last night we did some texting back and forth to talk about how our training is going. Mine - at a standstill right now - but his is coming right along!

I guess I'm just stoked to have something in common. I'm excited about running with him in his first 5k. I know his pace is faster than mine, but how cool will it be to have my baby bro at the finish line?

Pretty cool.


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