2015 to 2016

This year saw lots of changes with our household.  I think the coming year will be equally interesting, but hopefully less frustrating.  But that's life!

This past year started out with a bang.  We had some issues with one of our children that uncovered even more issues, that just grew and grew until we realized we had a real mess on our hands.  I won't continue to talk about that.  It's sad and hasn't resolved, but will culminate with our son leaving for boot camp in June hi with no intention of ever returning.  Life has a way of working out, I'm told. 

In March, I was hired at Baylor Evnen!  I closed Small Steps Childcare after seven years of caring and cuddling for the best little people around, and went back to work.  It sure was an adjustment for our whole family!  I was really scared that I wouldn't fit in.  I've never worked in the legal field plus it had been a long time since I'd done any clerical work.  But, it seems the Good Lord knows what he's doing and my job has been a tremendous blessing in every way.  I adore my boss and enjoy the work AND I was awarded the firm's employee of the year award as voted by my co-workers!  It seems I fit in pretty good. :)

This summer was very different without my being home.  Our oldest daughter, Alahnnah, stayed home and cared for her younger siblings while David and I were at work.  Out of the 12 weeks of summer, we agreed to pay her to watch the kids for seven of the weeks, and I paid to take the kids to the daycamp at the YMCA for the other five weeks.  She made some money and it saved us some time and some money!  Also, I think they had fun. :)

During those weeks that the younger children were at daycamp, our teeny-bopper daughter had some fun adventures with the church Student Ministry on Mission trips and summer camps.

At the end of the summer, my youngest brother got married at Sunken Gardens in a beautiful ceremony.  He was in his dress uniform and looked devastatingly handsome.  Must be genetic.

This Fall I tended towards illness and missed one of my favorite events of the year,  Market to Market Relay.  In fact,  my fall racing was entirely a bust and I came to a pretty pivotal point in my personal growth.  Painful but necessary.

In the beginning of 2015, I began praying "less of me, Lord, more of you".   I didn't know what that would look like.  I had no idea the pain that would be involved in that kind of sanctification.  I don't regret it and will continue on.  However, after being stripped of things I erroneously tied my identity to, I have to say I am afraid of what's to come.

What's to come.
My intention for 2016 is to cultivate kindness.  To myself and to others. I think if I focus on that, the rest will be OK.


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