Summer Vaca - Week 1

Our first week of Summer vacation was awesome!  I wore the kids out with walks and trips to the park and we ate pizza and grilled PB & J's.  Our flowers are growing, we did a craft and even had a day of epic naps.

This weekend was pretty busy.  David and I swam on Friday night while the kids enjoyed Grandma's house.  It cracks me up when we go to get them...they are constantly eating over there!  Saturday morning, David and I left for an early bike ride.  We made it about 10 miles when disaster struck with Dave's bike.  I back-tracked home while he walked to the nearest store and hung out until I could come back with the car.

When I left, he said "Don't kill yourself getting home!"  Of course I heard "Ride, Andrea.  Ride as fast as you can!"  I went 20+mph down the bike path to "rescue" my love.  :)  Burn, baby, burn!

When we got home I made some bacon and pancakes, showered and we went to a Family Carnival at David's work.  They had food and games, prizes and tons of free fun.  His work sponsors something like this a couple of times per year.  It's kind of neat and a great way to get the families (of 400 employees) together.  I realized that I am super duper old...because outside they had music -- really loud contemporary music.  There was one song that actually, physically hurt my existence.

So after cotton candy and skeet ball, we went for the weekly grocery haul.  I can't believe how much groceries have gone up in the last six months.  I really watch our spending and am lucky to escape with all the food, hygiene and supplies that our family needs for under $200 each week.  A would like to keep it closer to $150 but with milk over $4/gal and produce sky high, it's nearly impossible.

I came home and whipped up a quick pasta salad and cut up a melon to take to a cookout for our Youth Ministry.  We met or prospective new Associate Pastor and his wife and children.  There was a formal Q&A time for them and lots of good food.  I felt badly for his wife -- what a long weekend far away from home with two tiny kids.

We had a full day at church, today, and ended up voting Pastor Matthew in as our new Associate Pastor of Worship and Students.  He's young and full of energy and ideas, and I am happy to see him and his family join us.  I am considering how I can be a blessing to his wife, Cali, in these coming months.  What a whirlwind ride they are going to embark on!

So, after all of that, tonight I sit and contemplate next weekend.  I try to stay in the moment -- but next Saturday I will be doing the most difficult physical challenge of my life.  It will also be double the distance I've ever done in triathlon.  David and I have been training all year to swim 2000 yards, bike 56 miles and run 13.1 miles.  It will take us about 8 hours and we will be doing it together.  David swims faster than I do, but will wait for me to finish my yards.  We will bike the highways together, lock our bikes up at home and then run a half marathon through the trails and streets of Lincoln.

We are ready.  We've put in the training.  We've done the time trials and practice bricks.  We have practiced nutrition timing, and clothing choices.   My Mom is on board to come over and hang out with the kids in the afternoon.  Alahnnah will be here with them, but it's a long day so Mom will come and entertain them.  We can do it.  I sort of wish we could be doing an IronMan sponsored event with other racers, but we are still completing the distance.

I will be happy to complete the challenge and move on to the next one!


  1. I scarcely can wrap my mind around all that you do. I only wish I could help some. I love you and wish you great success next Saturday!

  2. Thanks, Mom! You are tons of help -- I love you!


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