Remember the Name

You would not believe the day that I had.

Remember the stolen bike?

In case you missed it - our Freshman son, Liam, had his bike stolen on Tuesday.  He had saved up and paid for half of this really nice bike in the spring.  He proceeded to ride it to the lake every week to fish, rode it at 5am to catch the detassling bus and took himself to a part time job at the game shop to earn money for a new game system.  He rode to the church for Bible study and to help the men of the church to work on the grounds on a Saturday mornings.  

He's not satisfied with recreation.  The boy has purpose.  Having his bike stolen crushed him.  That bike was everything.  His independence.  

Yesterday, some friends of ours replaced that bicycle.  My sweet friend told me that she and her husband heard of the theft and both said that they needed to buy that boy a bicycle.  I was flabbergasted by such a generous offer and asked if we shouldn't wait a week or so to see if the other one turned up.  My godly friend said - as only she could say - "Well, God didn't tell me to wait a week or so.  God told me to buy Liam a bike!"  

Liam felt like anyone when receiving this amazing gift.  He wanted to reciprocate, but didn't know how.  He said "But, Mom, I can't pay them back for what they've done!"  

No, son, you can't.  That's the point. 


Our friends demonstrated God's love and provision by replacing an item that was clearly treasured.  I am also immensely humbled.  I mean, to have someone love on your child in such a It's like a volcano exploding.  The little pieces will land everywhere...and bless many.

I must admit - lately I hang on every moment spent with Liam.  He teases me and calls me a stalker...but I feel like soon he will be gone...I just want to absorb every second of his presence.  

Tonight we traded tunes.  Remarkably, we tend to gravitate toward the same musical interest.  Which is pretty cool when I hear his music thumping and like what I hear!  Tonight he was showing me some stuff on YouTube and actually even asked my input on a cover song that he didn't know the original artist. 

Incidentally, it was "Jump Around" by House of Pain.  Hahahahaha!!  Who the hell covers THAT??  LOL!!

I spent time catching glances and acting like I was mildly uninterested as to not drive him off.  Just trying to absorb the molecules of his fleeting childhood without him knowing.  So grown.  Such a man.  His attitude is work.  The boy has plans.  Not going to be stopped.  He knows that choices have consequences.  He knows that work will yield results.

Balance.  I know the "driven beyond measure" tune all to well.  I pray that David and I can instill some semblance of balance in the kid.

Well, that David can.

I'm no help.

Seize the day.  Don't wait.  Never give in.  Keep fighting.  Stay strong.  And - 

Never, never, never give up.

Remember the name.

Thanks to my sweet friend, Michelle, for bringing me coffee today.  She came and cleaned taters and chatted  with me in the heart of my home.  I felt like a tornado around a flower patch with her here, but I guess she likes me anyhow.  

Pretty amazing.  

Friends loving on me and loving on my son.  My son giving me time - such precious time.  



  1. So happy for this outcome. It is due to your familiy's race for excellence, the values you and David have instilled into your son with the guidance of the Almighty. You are right, savor each moment, as it is gone in an instant. God has truely blessed you all. May he continue.


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